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Home assistant inaccessible
Bonjour ! 
Petite question... Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais home assistant devient inaccessible assez régulièrement.. 1-2 fois par jour.
Je suis obligé d éteindre et de rallumer le raspberry pour rebooter... 
Je suis sur raspberry pi 4 et je n ai pas l air d avoir de surchauffe ou de surcharge de mémoire...
Est ce que vous auriez des pistes de solutions pour moi?
Oui, va regarder dans le menu système, journaux, core et surtout superviseur voir si il n y aurait rien de bizarre
Alors vu que c est du chinois pour moi (et encore j sais dire bonjour et merci en chinois au moins...;) )je ne trouve rien de spécial. Mais il n y a les logs que depuis le redémarrage.... Impossible de savoir ce qu il s est passé juste avant....
Il n y aurait pas un moyen de les sauvegarder régulièrement ? Même si c est toutes les 15secondes.... Au moins il y aurait p'tet un indice plus visible !
Y a des logs qui vous parle ?

Sinon en log supervisor c est long...

Citation :2024-03-29 20:09:45.512 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'battTension' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:09:45.512 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:09:45.512 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:09:45.512 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:09:45.513 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:14:04.764 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.check] Starting system checks with state running
2024-03-29 20:14:04.765 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for security/core
2024-03-29 20:14:04.767 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for docker_config/system
2024-03-29 20:14:04.768 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for trust/supervisor
2024-03-29 20:14:04.784 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for pwned/addon
2024-03-29 20:14:05.029 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for ipv4_connection_problem/system
2024-03-29 20:14:05.029 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for dns_server_failed/dns_server
2024-03-29 20:14:05.030 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for free_space/system
2024-03-29 20:14:05.033 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for dns_server_ipv6_error/dns_server
2024-03-29 20:14:05.034 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for no_current_backup/system
2024-03-29 20:14:05.035 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for multiple_data_disks/system
2024-03-29 20:14:05.035 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.check] System checks complete
2024-03-29 20:14:05.036 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluate] Starting system evaluation with state running
2024-03-29 20:14:05.243 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.evaluate] System evaluation complete
2024-03-29 20:14:05.244 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.fixup] Starting system autofix at state running
2024-03-29 20:14:05.245 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.fixup] System autofix complete
2024-03-29 20:14:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'onduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:14:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:14:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:14:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:14:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:14:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'batterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:14:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'battTension' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:14:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:14:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:14:45.511 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:14:45.511 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:15:30.968 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.updater] Fetching update data from
2024-03-29 20:15:36.333 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Updated Home Assistant API token
2024-03-29 20:19:45.507 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'onduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:19:45.508 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:19:45.508 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:19:45.508 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:19:45.508 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:19:45.508 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'batterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:19:45.508 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'battTension' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:19:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:19:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:19:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:19:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:24:45.508 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'onduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:24:45.508 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:24:45.508 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:24:45.508 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:24:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:24:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'batterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:24:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'battTension' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:24:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:24:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:24:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:24:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:29:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'onduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:29:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:29:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:29:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:29:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:29:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'batterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:29:45.511 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'battTension' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:29:45.511 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:29:45.511 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:29:45.511 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:29:45.511 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:34:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'onduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:34:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:34:45.509 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:34:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:34:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:34:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'batterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:34:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'battTension' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:34:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:34:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:34:45.510 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:34:45.511 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:39:45.513 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'onduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:39:45.513 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:39:45.513 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:39:45.514 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:39:45.514 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:39:45.514 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'batterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:39:45.514 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'battTension' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:39:45.514 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:39:45.514 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:39:45.514 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:39:45.515 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:44:45.511 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'onduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:44:45.511 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:44:45.511 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleur' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:44:45.511 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:44:45.512 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinonduleurport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:44:45.512 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'batterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:44:45.512 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'battTension' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:44:45.512 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'usbbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:44:45.512 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterie' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:44:45.512 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieip' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
2024-03-29 20:44:45.512 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'elfinbatterieport' does not exist in the schema for Smartphoton (273ba32d_smartphoton)
C'est le même problème que stf, et j'ai l'impression que vous avez tout les deux les même configuration avec les anciennes variables.
Si tu peux déjà renialiser la configuration du module et refaire la configuration.
Tu peux t'aider du configurateur.

Sinon faut les faire une par une dans la configuration du module mais ça ira plus vite si tu efface tout.

J'ai fait un gif dans mon avant dernier poste ici

Ça enlèvera déjà toute les anciennes variables et ces erreurs warning du type Option 'elfinbatterieip' does not exist

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