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Passer en mode Debug pour plus de commandes disponibles
En passant le BMS en mode Debug, l'on a accès à d'autres commandes.
Je les découvres à l'instant. Cela semble bien touffu en effet.
Je vois par exemple que l'on peut arrêter la batterie en lui envoyant la commande shut 
Cela pourrait être utile en cas de détection d'une anomalie. A creuser si besoin

Voilà comment passer en mode "debug"

pylon>login debug
Command completed successfully
Local command:
adc Addr show - adc
bat Battery data show - bat [pwr][index]
ci Current Comm Info
config config [pov/povr/phv/phvr/plv/plvr/puv/puvr/pslp/bov/bovr/bhv/bhvr/blv/blvr/buv/buvr/bslp/bsv/bv
tcycle test cycle times - tcycle [cycle times]
fullchg change full charge time - tfullchg [full charge time]
ct Track Comm Port Data [Port Number]
ctrl Contrl IO - ctrl [cfet/dfet/buzz/heat/afuse] [on/off]
bmicrdcomm BMIC read comm - bmicrdcomm [total_ic]
bmicrdcfg BMIC read cfg - bmicrdcfg [total_ic]
data History data load - data [event/history][item]
datac Clear data - datac [event/history]
datalist Show recorded data - datalist [event/history][item/bat][batnun][volt/curr/temp/coul][item]
disp Display Info at regular intervals - disp [(pwrs pwrNo)/val]/[(bats batNo)/volt/curr/temp]
eepe EEPROM erase - eepe [chip]
eepr EEPROM read - eepr [chip][Offset][size]
eepw EEPROM write - eepw [chip][Offset][Val][size]
stflar STFLASH read - bspeepr [chip][Offset][size]
stflaw STFLASH write - bspeepw [chip][Offset][Val]
flae Extend flash erase - flae [chip]
flar Extend flash read - flar [chip][Offset][size]
flaw Extend flash write - flaw [chip][Offset][Val]
getpwr Get power Info - getpwr
help Help [cmd]
info Device infomation - info
log Log information show - log
login Login Admin mode - login [password]
logc Log clear - logc
logout user mode - logout
logt Log test - logt [data]
lg LG State - lg [cstm/sys][en/dis]
md Memory dump - md [width][Addr][size]
mm Memory set - mm [width][Addr][Val]
m2s Master updata to Slave - m2s
prot Protect ctrl - prot [bov/bhv/blv/buv/pov/phv/plv/puv/cbot/cbht/cblt/cbut/dbot/dbht/dblt/dbut/pot/pht/plt/put/coc/coc2/coca/doc/doc2/doca/sc/buzz/smartchg/default][en/dis]
pwr Power data show - pwr [index]
re Send Command To the Specified Power - re [addr][command]
rtcr RTC read - rtcr [Offset]
rtcw RTC write - rtcw [Offset][Val]
rtcsh RTC show reg -rtcsh
save Save data - save [event/history]
setprt set protocol type - setprt [sma/lg]
setlowcfg set Low config- setlowcfg [save] / [shutsoc/sstime] [num]
socr SOC read - socr[Offset]
socw SOC write - socw [Offset][Val]
socsh SOC show reg -socsh
soccfg SOC config - soccfg[subclass][Offset][value]
soccal SOC calibration - soccal [volt/current/tempr/ccoffset/bdoffset] [value]
socd SOC show data - socd
tsoc bq34z100 test - tsoc
socclr clear bq34z100 data flash and reload default value - socclr
soct SOC show Ra table - soct
shut Shut down - shut
soh State of health - soh [addr]
stat Statistic data show - stat
statc Clear statistic - statc
tsoftdsg Test Soft DSG - tsoftdsg
tbar Test write Barcode - tbar[reg]
tbuz Test Buzzer - tbuz
tchgc test Charge current - tchgc[curr][currLimit]
tclear test clear record on chip- tclear
tpv Test pack volt - tpv
tsw Test switch - tsw
tfacsoc Test factory soc - tfacsoc
ttact Test button - ttact
ttr Test terminal resistor - ttr
tibcio Test ibc io - tibcio [nc/sc]
tcan Test can port - tcan [port#]
tcbnio Test cbn io - tcbnio [nc/sc]
tdip Test Dip - tdip [flag]
tdisc test discharge current - tdisc[curr][currLimit]
teepr Device EEPROM test - teepr
tetmp test enviroment temperature - tetmp
tflash Device Flash test - tflash
ti2c I2C test - ti2c
time Time - time [year] [month] [day] [hour] [minute] [second]
tinput test input state - tinput [rv/dcov/absent/present]
tled Test Led - tled [0/lednum/on/off] [on/off]
tmos test mosfet - tmos [cfet/dfet]
tmprctrl Bat tmpr ctrl - tmprctrl [flag]/[flag][batid][val]
trst Test Soft Reset - trst
tpwr test the total voltage of the power - tpwr
tsto test selftest output - tsto
tver test soft version - tver[version]
tsoh test soh - tsoh
tusart Usart test - tusart
ttmp test battery temperature - ttmp
tdct Test dry ct - tdct
tbld Test bleeding - tbld [val]
updata updata system - updata
tvolt test battery voltage - tvolt
twdg Stop feeding watchdog - wdg
emptyvolt Set empty volt - emptyvolt [val]
blocksoc set block soc - blocksoc [val]
totalcoul Set total coul - totalcoul [val]
pwrsys power system info display
urates Set R485 Port Rate - urates [500000/115200/9600]
tagevolt test age volt
trdagevolt read age volt
inar INA226 SOC read - socr[Offset]
inaw INA226 SOC write - socw [Offset][Val]
inash INA226 SOC show reg -socsh
inacal INA226 current calibration - currcal [val] - currcal
currcal current calibration - currcal [val] - currcal
Remote command:
config config [pov/povr/phv/phvr/plv/plvr/puv/puvr/pslp/bov/bovr/bhv/bhvr/blv/blvr/buv/buvr/bslp/bsv/bv
ctrl Contrl IO - ctrl [cfet/dfet/buzz/heat/afuse] [on/off]
data History data load - data [event/history][item]
emptyvolt Set empty volt - emptyvolt [val]
info Device infomation - info
login Login Admin mode - login [password]
logout user mode - logout
prot Protect ctrl - prot [bov/bhv/blv/buv/pov/phv/plv/puv/cbot/cbht/cblt/cbut/dbot/dbht/dblt/dbut/pot/pht/plt/put/coc/coc2/coca/doc/doc2/doca/sc/buzz/smartchg/default][en/dis]
couls Coulomb calc type - couls [iah/vah/asic/default]
soh State of health - soh [addr]
stat Statistic data show - stat
statc Clear statistic - statc
Command completed successfully
Command completed successfully

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Utilisateur(s) parcourant ce sujet : 1 visiteur(s)
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