J'ai trouver ca ca ressemble etrangement a l'ecran avec les 4 boutons dur ma batterie !!!!
et ca !!!!! c'est exactement mon ecran
j'ai trouver ca y aurait pas a bouger un des dipswitch pour qu le port can fonctionne ?
ADS Switch: To setup battery address for identification, and make the communicate betweenbatteries, battery to inverter. NOTE: There are 8 bit DIP switches, keep the switch on down side means ‘OFF’, turn up the switch to topsidemeans ‘ON’ CAN 5 communication interface: follow CAN BUS protocol, for output pack informationtoinverter.One pack should be assigned as master pack. And the last 4 DIP switches (#5, #6, #7, #8) totell
how many slave packs are followed. The firs DIP switches are used for identifying slave packs. RS485 communication interface: RJ45 port, follow RS485 protocol. For transmitting batterypackinformation between paralleled packs. The first 4 DIP switches (#1, #2, #3, #4) areusedforidentifying packs’ information on software.
J'ai trouver ca ca ressemble etrangement a l'ecran avec les 4 boutons dur ma batterie !!!!
et ca !!!!! c'est exactement mon ecran
j'ai trouver ca y aurait pas a bouger un des dipswitch pour qu le port can fonctionne ?
ADS Switch: To setup battery address for identification, and make the communicate betweenbatteries, battery to inverter. NOTE: There are 8 bit DIP switches, keep the switch on down side means ‘OFF’, turn up the switch to topsidemeans ‘ON’ CAN 5 communication interface: follow CAN BUS protocol, for output pack informationtoinverter.One pack should be assigned as master pack. And the last 4 DIP switches (#5, #6, #7, #8) totell
how many slave packs are followed. The firs DIP switches are used for identifying slave packs. RS485 communication interface: RJ45 port, follow RS485 protocol. For transmitting batterypackinformation between paralleled packs. The first 4 DIP switches (#1, #2, #3, #4) areusedforidentifying packs’ information on software.